Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical technique that is widely used by people and can also be used very successfully with animals. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to help to bring the body back into a state of equilibrium. This is very well tolerated by most animals.
Performed by a skilled practitioner, acupuncture can be a safe and effective treatment for a variety of conditions.
It is particularly useful for conditions of the musculoskeletal system such as
It can also be used to treat diseases of the nervous, gastrointestinal, cardiac, respiratory, reproductive, urinary and immune systems as well as skin conditions.
Both Dr Kathy and Dr Caroline treat many animals regularly using acupuncture.
From the Chinese perspective, acupuncture works by balancing the flow of energy in the body. Disease is a manifestation of an imbalance of energy in the body, and acupuncture treatment aims to get the energy flowing again. Acupuncture theory says that energy flows around the body along pathways called meridians. Specific points along the meridians that are close to the body’s surface can be needled to influence the flow of energy along the meridian, and thus bring about balance.
Acupuncture has been closely studied over the last few decades to try to explain how it works. Scientists have confirmed that special points exist in the tissue of the body, with special arrangements of nerves and blood vessels, and that these communicate with the organs of the body.
What does acupuncture treatment involve?
The number of sessions involved is dependent on the problem being treated. Some animals will improve rapidly after one treatment, while others will need several treatments before any improvement is noted.
Are there any side effects?
The most common side effect is animals going home and sleeping. In some cases, animals are a little worse for 24-48 hours following treatment, as muscles relax and readjust, and then they will start to improve.