Holistic Vets Newcastle

Herbal Wormer

 Have you noticed worms in your animals poop or been told to worm your animal for Spring?
We stock a herbal wormer, as an alternative to a traditional chemical treatment. It comes as a liquid that you can drop into their food, and contains a herbal tincture of black walnut, wormwood and other herbs. Suitable for dogs, cats, birds, and poultry.

Treatment Dosage Instructions: Add drops to food twice daily for one week then double the dose and continue for a second week.

Preventative Dosage Instructions: Repeat original dose (twice daily) for 1 or 2 days each month. Most effective on the day before or the day of the full moon each month.


Cats: 5 drops in food

Small Dogs <7kg: 8 drops in food

Med dogs (8-20kg):  15-20 drops in food

Large dogs (20kg+):  20-30 drops in food

Puppies & Kittens (from 2-8 weeks):  3-4 drops depending on size.
